Nikkah Officiation
We are happy to help you and your spouse-to-be complete the marriage process and officiate your nikkah. Our Imam is available to lead you through the Islamic process and officiate your marriage.
GCLEA’s Guidlines for Islamic Nikkah:
1. Schedule a pre-nikkah counseling session using the link below. (This is currently done over the phone)
2. Schedule an appointment for nikkah services.
3. Obtain a marriage license from NJ State.
4. Bring picture ID of the bride, bride’s guardian, groom, and witnesses.
5. Arrange the attendance of 2 Muslim male witnesses (non-relative preferred).
6. Arrange the attendance of the bride’s male guardian or appointed custodian.
PLEASE NOTE: This service is offered to the GCLEA community free of charge and ONLY held in the center.
For questions or appointments, please fill out the form below.
Religious Consultation
GCLEA recognizes that from time to time you may need to ask questions or talk to someone about your problems and concerns. Our hearts and ears are open to you and our religious leader, Imam John Starling, is available to sit with you. Please feel free to contact him and schedule an appointment for religious counseling.

Zakat al-Fitr
Every year, GCLEA organizes the distribution of your Zakat al-Fitr to local families in need. Distribution will be completed the night before Eid and will be in the form of on Saa' of food. A “Saa`” is equivalent to 2.5 liters of uncooked food such as dates, rice, wheat, corn, etc.
Further details will be available on the home page when zakat is due.
Udhiyah | Qurbani
Every year, GCLEA partners with local organizations to offer a full-service program for your Qurbani needs. You will have your choice of a lamb or a goat to be slaughtered on your behalf, processed, and packaged for pick up. In addition, per your request, 1/3 of your sacrifice will be distributed to local families in need in accordance with prophetic tradition.
Please check the home page for sign up.

Emergency Zakat Fund
We recognize that there are times when individuals and families face unexpected emergencies, which can lead to financial challenges. GCLEA manages an emergency zakat fund which can provide limited financial support when a critical situation arises. The HELP committee is standing by to determine if you are zakat-eligible.
Food Pantry
Non-perishable food will be stocked in the center and provided to individuals and families who need additional assistance in these increasingly challenging economic times. Donations are greatly appreciated, in order to keep our pantry stocked and operational.
This is an open food pantry and operates with a "give if you can and take if you need" policy.

Cherry Hill Free Clinic
We provide free compassionate preventative medical care for all with particular attention to the uninsured and underinsured- all while providing all the dignity and confidentiality. To provide a safety net for those who have fallen through the cracks of the healthcare system.
Hours of operation:
Weekends 9am - 12:30 pm